How do I access the form required to submit a proposal to NeuroNEXT?
Process for Solicitation and Review of Clinical Studies for
- Could a privately funded study or one funded jointly by private-public funding use the network? Could ad-hoc sites be funded by a private foundation for a specific project?
Yes, the network will encourage projects run in public-private partnerships. The network is designed to implement projects initiated by investigators from industry, foundations or academia. This may include funding of ad-hoc sites in a public-private partnership.
- How will this network interface with several open RFAs focused on multi-site trials?
The network will not replace the existing funding opportunities, but provide alternative means of implementing a given project in collaboration with the network.
- How will NINDS assure that recruitment targets are met for rare diseases, with such a limited set of clinical centers?
We anticipate that the number of patients to be recruited in biomarker studies or Phase 2 trials will be relatively small (likely around 50 – 300). Also, for rare diseases there will be the opportunity to include ad-hoc sites in a given project, should the capacity of sites within the network be insufficient.
- How are research priorities/disease priorities determined?
Research/disease priorities are determined based on peer review, scientific opportunities, and availability of funding.
- How does this network differ from or compare to the established CTSAs?
The network will build on the existing strength with regards to local clinical research resources such as the CTSAs at the sites. It differs from the CTSAs in that it is specific to clinical research in neurological disorders.
- The list of eligible applicants includes academic institutions, non-profits and for profits, etc. Will the network encourage collaborative applications from these different entities, the way some other Cooperative Agreement mechanisms do?
The projects to be carried out by the network can be collaborative applications between academic, industry and foundation investigators. Private/public partnerships are encouraged.