Clinical Sites

University of Colorado

Timothy Vollmer, MD, Principal Investigator

Timothy Vollmer

Dr. Vollmer graduated from Stanford University School of Medicine in 1982. He went on to complete a Neurology Residency followed by post doctoral training in Neuroimmunology also at Stanford School of Medicine. In 1988 he joined the faculty at Yale School of Medicine in the Department of Neurology where he developed the Yale Neuroimmunology Program. He has served as the Director of the Yale MS Research Program. Dr. Vollmer remained at Yale until 2003 where he was involved in both basic and clinical research in MS and related diseases. He worked with all of the currently approved agents during their development. While at Yale he also conducted the first human trial of Schwann transplantation in MS patients as well as the first trial of statins in MS. In 2003, he moved to Phoenix to join the Barrow Neurological Center and St Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center. His board certifications include the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. He is a Fellow, American Academy of Neurology. His clinical focus has been on Multiple Sclerosis, including the completion of more than 130 clinical trials. He also has participated in studies related to all of the approved immunological therapies for MS and some experimental therapies

NARCOMS is an international database containing information on over 30,000 MS patients it serves as a resource for investigators from around the world. This project was started by Dr. Vollmer in 1996 and is a collaborative project with the Consortium of MS Centers.

In 2008 Dr. Vollmer joined the faculty of the University of Colorado Denver as a Professor of Neurology. Dr. Vollmer is currently involved as Principle Investigator or Sub Investigator in 30 clinical studies at the University of Colorado, with participation in additional studies in the near future, including investigator initiated trials. He is Director of Neuroscience Clinical Research at the University of Colorado Anschutz campus, the Medical Director of the Rocky Mountain Multiple Sclerosis Center, and Co-Director of the Rocky Mountain Multiple Sclerosis Center at the Anschutz Medical Campus. He is active in the international community conducting research in MS, lecturing frequently in the United States and Europe.