Ms. Clark is a research nurse and pediatric nurse practitioner with a background in parent child nursing and adult education. She has been the study coordinator for 16 years in over 25 industry and NIH-sponsored pediatric epilepsy clinical trials. Most recently she has been the Project Manager of the Childhood Absence Epilepsy study, providing site management across 32 centers around the country. She collaborated with Dr. Glauser to design the CAE trial, focusing on balancing overall trial aims with site workflow to obtain accurate data and manage study burden for study coordinators and families. She designed an orientation program for coordinators (“Peggy Boot Camp”) in which new study coordinators in the CAE trial visited Cincinnati for 3 days of intensive training, customized to their self-identified learning needs about research, epilepsy, the CAE trial, and comfort with patients. She served on two committees on the NINDS Common Data Elements Project for Epilepsy, and has been active in leadership roles in education, management, clinical care and research at CCHMC. She is a member of the American Epilepsy Society’s Practice Committee and is a board member of the Cincinnati Epilepsy Foundation.